Our Integrated Pest Management & Pesticide Approach
What can be done to reduce this reliance on pesticides and the negative consequences of pesticide use? A practical and cost-effective answer is integrated pest management (IPM).... Continue Reading
Home / Business Updates / Organizational Updates
An archive of the organizational updates available on the Rainforest Alliance website.
What can be done to reduce this reliance on pesticides and the negative consequences of pesticide use? A practical and cost-effective answer is integrated pest management (IPM).... Continue Reading
Join us at COP16, where the Rainforest Alliance and partners will host a series of panels and side events highlighting proven solutions to halt deforestation, land degradation, and biodiversity loss. ... Continue Reading
The Rainforest Alliance regrets the proposal by the European Commission to postpone the European Union Regulation on Deforestation-Free Products (EUDR) by twelve months. ... Continue Reading
The Rainforest Alliance is pleased to announce the launch of a ground-breaking new e-course and toolkit on Human Rights Due Diligence (HRDD), which is accessible to all for free.... Continue Reading
Here you can find a list of Certificate Holders that have been audited and meet additional EUDR self-selected requirements in the Rainforest Alliance's Alignment with the EUDR Policy.... Continue Reading
The Rainforest Alliance has been recognized as one of the most inspiring non-profit organizations in the Netherlands according to the ‘Inspiring 40’ ranking.... Continue Reading