Many of our partners do not settle for one service but prefer to take a more comprehensive approach to their sustainability journey. Some of our partnerships start through a single service and naturally expand over time to meet our partners’ growing needs. For example, a company may initially partner with us to improve its sourcing policy, only to soon find itself co-developing landscape level interventions.
To better understand what a comprehensive partnership can look like and the benefits that come from engaging in one, we can dive into our partnership with Nestlé.
Service Spotlight: Nestlé and Rainforest Alliance
As one of the largest purchasers of cocoa in the world, Nestlé has significant influence in the cocoa sector. The Rainforest Alliance provides Nestlé with a variety of services, from Field Based Partnership support that guides Nestlé’s on the ground activities, to Supply Chain Monitoring and Evaluations support that provides analytical insights into the performance of their interventions. The data driven guidance we provide and activities we help implement put Nestlé closer towards their commitments outlined within the Nestlé Cocoa Plan (NCP).
Like many of our partnerships, our work with Nestlé started with certification, but grew alongside Nestlé’s global commitments. Since 2016, our Supply Chain M&E team has been collecting data on and providing analytical insights into the impact of Nestlé’s interventions. The lessons that emerge from data analysis are further communicated through dashboards and data visualization, allowing Nestlé to take a deep dive into key risks and adjust their sourcing practices accordingly.
In addition to leveraging data to improve farmer wellbeing, Nestlé also recognizes the importance of promoting good forestry management in cocoa farming communities. That is why, in 2021, Nestlé and the Rainforest Alliance launched the Beki – Bossematié Landscape Projectin Cote d’Ivoire. This Field Based Partnership aims to develop a community-based approach for landscape restoration and forest management in the Beki – Bossematié region.
“The Rainforest Alliance has significant experience working with cocoa farmers in understanding and implementing robust sustainability criteria that drives positive change, and we look forward to deepening our collaboration in the coming years.”

Our Work with Nestlé Cocoa
As one of the world’s largest purchasers of cocoa, Nestlé recognizes the position it is in to make a difference. This case study shows how Nestlé utilizes all three major Rainforest Alliance partnership pathways — Rainforest Alliance Certification, Tailored Supply Chain Services, and Landscapes and Communities– to amplify its impact in the cocoa communities it sources from.
Our work with Nestlé is just one of many comprehensive partnerships that we are engaged in. From assisting companies in creating the theory of change that guides their practices, to communicating the results of monitoring and evaluations campaigns, we have the skills and expertise to help companies wherever their needs may be.