Logistical Guidelines and Support: Navigating Costs, Accommodation, and Travel
When: 17th-19th April 2024
Where: Bali, Indonesia
RSVP: Fill out this form to RSVP

Costs & Practicalities
The SDGP programme is able to cover costs for participants. Please find below more information on how this would work and what it entails. During the event, consumptions, and transport as part of the program will be covered by the organization.
The SDGP programme will cover the hotel costs at Prama Sanur Beach Hotel for a maximum of four nights for one participant per project partner. You are welcome to come with more than one participant per project partner, but the hotel costs for additional participants are at your own expense. As aforementioned, the event will take place at Prama Sanur Beach Hotel, we recommend all participants to book a room at this hotel. We arranged a special room rate of IDR 1,050,000 or EUR 62.32, – per single room per night, applied for the period of 15-21 April 2024. A dedicated website link will be provided later for the confirmed participants to conveniently book their hotel rooms at the mentioned special price.
RVO is covering transport costs for one participant per project partner. The ticket must be a one way or return ticket to Bali in the economy class. You are welcome to come with more than one participant per project partner, but the travel costs for additional participants per organization are at your own expense. We strongly encourage project partners to align this event with one of their project visits. Please contact your respective project advisor if you have any specific questions on the flights and/or logistics.
How to invoice
The lead partner can send one invoice for the total travel and stay costs for all their project partners to RVO after the event, when all costs have been made. Please keep all receipts for the hotel and flight and send a copy to your lead partner organization for the reimbursement. Once the lead partner has checked whether the receipts are complete and in line with the abovementioned guidelines, they can submit the invoice to RVO for reimbursement. The lead partners will receive instructions from RVO on how to proceed with this.
All participants are responsible for arranging their visa themselves. The costs can be included in the invoice to RVO for disbursement. For more information on visa, visit the official website of the Government of Indonesia: https://indonesia.nl/en/visa.
For more information on practicalities, please contact our colleagues at Rainforest Alliance:
Mrs. Ni Ketut Ayuk (akesumawati@ra.org / +62 818 0210 6974), or Mrs. Yuliani (yuliani@ra.org / +62 813 3734 6050).