Case Study
November 28, 2023
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The Rainforest Alliance and partners have worked in coffee for nearly four decades. While there are still challenges in the sector, we’ve also seen great improvements. In Honduras, producers range from smallholder to large-scale. While production costs are lower than in many other coffee-growing countries, earning a living income is very challenging and labor is […]
The Rainforest Alliance and partners have worked in coffee for nearly four decades. While there are still challenges in the sector, we’ve also seen great improvements. In Colombia, the vast majority of coffee producers are smallholders, many with less than one hectare of land. Limited land size and economic opportunity make it very challenging to […]
The Rainforest Alliance and partners have worked in coffee for nearly four decades. While there are still challenges in the sector, we’ve also seen great improvements. In Brazil, many farms are large and modernized with high productivity. Though incomes are relatively high, many farms rely on expensive and volatile input costs. Our research shows that […]
The Rainforest Alliance commissioned a study to review the current situation of grievance mechanisms in farms and groups participating in the Rainforest Alliance Certification Program. The study sought to gain a better understanding of how this specific element of the Rainforest Alliance 2020 Sustainable Agriculture Standard is being implemented by farm and group certificate holders. […]